Want to Set Powerful Intentions for the Week Ahead?
Why is it so important to put our intentions to paper?
Because science-backed research shows that only 10% of our thoughts are conscious!
Crazy, right???
So that means that 90% of our thoughts and actions are unconscious! Yikes!
How to Resolve TOLERATIONS and Unleash Our INNER HOTTIES
People ask me fitness, health, and wellness questions all the time. How awesome, right? I love to share my knowledge with others as I truly believe that claiming our own health is fundamental to living a richer, more productive, and meaningful life.
Isn’t it time to A-Game your life?
Intrinsic or internal motivators are driven by our desire to live more in line with our own values– the essential nature of who we are. When you are out of alignment, you feel it. Things hurt, your mood is off, you just don’t feel yourself.
What’s motivating you right now?
“Unstoppability” doesn’t come from wanting to do all this work for someone else; it comes from YOU wanting it bad enough that you are going to attain it, whatever the cost in effort, exertion, or resources.
Ready to Give a Boot to Your Hot Mess?
I am sharing with you this invaluable worksheet that will change your life because you are ready to release all the BS that no longer serves you.
The TOLERATIONS WORKSHEET is an invaluable tool that will help you get the clarity and the increase in energy you desire.
Finally putting some roots in Saint Petersburg, Florida!
I first saw this totally renovated house and it was love at first sight!
I just love the mid-century modern look I closed on my new home last week and have been busy a bee nesting and making the place my own.
Boost your Brain and Productivity Power Today!
For years I wrote a monthly column in my hometown newspaper. I loved it! Every month I was able to pontificate about my latest fascination under the auspices that the title of my column Living Well meant that I could write about whatever suited my fancy on any given day.
Think Confident, Be Confident to Live a Positive and Successful Life
Start applying these strategies below to boost your confidence and ensure greater success in any and all areas of your life. The key is that your desire to win at life is greater than your desire to play it safe in your comfort zone.
Bring in 2022 with a New Level of Self-Care
As we start a new year, this is a perfect time to expand the definition of self-care include a more holistic perspective, weighing in on not only the physical component, but also the mental and emotional and spiritual ones as well.
Monday Motivation – Tips for Tapping Your Inner Joy
Finding that your holiday cheer has taken a different path the last couple of years?
How can we turn this ship around and reclaim our inner sense of joy and motivation to celebrate the goodness that lies within and around us?