5 Steps to Staying Fit and Healthy through the Holidays

Let go of unrealistic expectations you have for yourself and others.
What makes you laugh? What brings you joy? Create a list of activities, movies or people that make you feel good. You deserve to feel more joy. Take the steps necessary by adding things into your day that lift your spirits and bring you peace.
Do You Find It Hard Asking for Help? Me too!

The truth is this: as we grow, not everyone grows along with us. And sometimes we need to let people go that cannot hold us up as we deserve. We must release some relationships so that we can make way for the new people who are eager to love and support us just as we are.
Celebrate Your Best YOU

What we may perceive as our weaknesses – those things we try to hide – only get in the way of our ability to shine full-on. This is especially true when it moves into a new experience in life.
It’s not enough to fake it ’til you make it. You have to be willing to do the work and GRIND.
What Gets in the Way of Exercising Our Freedom?

What does it take to live truly free?
Everyone experiences fear- it’s a part of the human condition. The question is whether you are allowing fear to rob you of your true freedom or are you using it as fuel to gain a greater quality of life with better relationships, health, work, and a sense of meaning?
How Important is Community?

What does community mean to you? Do you have a place, a home, a spot, a tribe of people that make you feel that way? If you do, celebrate that. Give your heart to your community, give more, tell people how much you appreciate them, pick up trash, and offer to help strangers, but mostly let’s just be darn grateful that we have that.
3 Areas to Discover to Move Forward

We can look at three areas in our lives to discover what is in the way of us moving forward in life.
Because if you don’t structure your day and prioritize your tasks and goals, it’s like you are trying to row your boat upstream with chopsticks.
5 Tips to Meet Your Best Self

If I didn’t rest and recharge over the weekend, if I didn’t hydrate and refuel my body, mind, and spirit, I was coming into Monday morning like a snail dragging across the finish line. Like real sloooowwwww….
When we look at the science, what we can discover is that the way we feel in this moment is a compound result of the last 72 hours.
The Cleanest Fuel: Self Love And Self-Acceptance

Who is holding your dreams alive? And even more importantly, do you even know what… There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of […]
Self-Respect Begins At The Lips

What I want to share with you is my four-step strategy and how you can create a safe… There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use […]
Secrets To Fitness At 50

Below are four steps you can apply to make decisions in your life with greater…