Feeling stuck? Here’s how to unlock your inner logjam
Feeling stuck? Here’s how to unlock your inner logjam
Resistance. We all experience it in some way….
Where are you experiencing it in your life?
Want to Increase Your Confidence? Check these easy-to-apply tips!
Well, I did it! 5 crazy weeks of show prep and I came into my latest bikini competition better than I ever could have imagined.
Get REAL, Get RADICAL, How to Unleash Your BEST Self!
I have had an absolute blast on my VAGABOND journey! After spending several weeks in Baja, I visited Maui for a week (gorgeous!) before hitting the US of A and decided to park my wagon for a bit in beautiful Durango, Colorado.
A Roadblock or A Blessing? What Say You?
What are you willing to push through to get what you want?
Roadblocks. They are everywhere: Emotional, mental, physical, even spiritual. My question is: are you making them appear bigger and badder than they really are?
I have been there. Trust me.
Are you Living Other People’s Stories or Your Own?
I am continuing my amazing vagabond journey here in Baja, Mexico. I have been here for two incredible weeks and will continue to travel around the peninsula for the coming weeks.
It’s just too beautiful of a place to leave!
I don’t want you to miss this FREE event – I am a featured speaker!
I don’t know about you, but I have sensed a pretty dramatic increase in anxiety in our world and I am definitely seeing the effects in my friends, family, and clients. It is no easy task to stay chill when it feels as though everything is going to the proverbial hell in a handbasket. How […]
Tips to Help You Kick Overwhelm to the Curb!
Many people are feeling increased stress as a result of the pandemic. In addition, economic stress and social isolation are really taking a toll on so many of us. The saving grace for me has been living in a place where I can take advantage of my time out in nature. This time has been a lifesaver and I am super grateful for the gifts of Mother Nature…
Thanksgiving and Travelling
This journey that I have been on since September has been filled with so much wonderful experiences and lots of time for personal and professional reflection.
Living Life Outside The Comfort Zone
Living the vagabond life has been both challenging and exhilarating. I have learned new things about myself through car camping, hotel stays, and RV crashing. I have endured below freezing sleeping temps, a late-night mouse infiltration, breathtaking views, and deep connection and laughter with other humans. The US of A is truly awe-inspiring.
How to Set Yourself Free from Self Sabotage
When the pandemic first hit and we were placed under a stay at home order, many of us took the opportunity to make some positive changes to our previous lifestyle habits and behaviors. What we had suddenly was time, way more time. The question was: what to do with all of it??