Breaking Free from Sweet Addiction: My Journey to a Healthier Lifestyle

Sugar has always been my thing. Similar to other addictive habits, I have used sugar as a reward system for when I finish something- a project, a competition, a meal. It always felt that no meal was complete without a sweet finish? How about you? Have you used sweets as a reward too? In fact, […]
When Quitting is Not an Option

Spring is around the bend and many of us set all kinds of resolve and fire to meet our fitness and wellness goals. It’s been a heck of a year! We feel both determined and ready…
5 Steps to Staying Fit and Healthy through the Holidays

So many of us have historically looked forward to the enjoyment and fun that the holidays bring: social gatherings, travel, shopping, and baking. However this year, our traditional celebrations have been dashed due to the Covid-19.
Feelings of isolation and fear have increased our overall sense of anxiety and depression, which has wreaked havoc on both our physical as well as our emotional health and wellness.