The 20 Best Self Realization Quotes to Inspire You
Get to know yourself. Be true to yourself. Reach your dreams. Find inner peace. These are all aspects of self-realization. Self-realization, also known as self-actualization, is the process of realizing and fulfilling your full potential. Are you ready to get started on this journey of self-discovery? I’ve found some of the best self-realization quotes to […]
The Ultimate Morning Routine Checklist for Productivity
Some of the most successful people like Warren Buffet have a morning routine that they swear by. Although Buffet’s routine consists of Coca-Cola and Mcdonald’s, it is still a routine that he sticks to daily. By the way, he has become one of the richest men in the world. To be productive, it is essential […]
The Morning Routine of 10 Millionaires & Billionaires
Successful people became a success after combining the right set of morning habits that work for them. So I studied the morning routines of the most successful millionaires and billionaires in the world to find what works best. Let’s explore billionaire and millionaire morning routines! 1. Oprah Winfrey Meditates Start your morning off in a […]
How to Live a Life That Makes You Feel Free (10 Tips)
People who are free feel like they can act, speak, or think the way they want. But so many of us get stuck in a rut in our daily lives; incapable, unwilling, or unaware of how to break free of our self-limitations. It’s time to get out of the rut. Let’s explore these 10 self-improvement […]
25 Productive Things To Do When Bored At Home
It happens to the best of us. You get a little downtime and then you find yourself scrolling social media looking at cute puppies. Or you plop yourself on the couch to binge-watch the latest season of Stranger Things on Netflix. But when you look back on the day, you think, “Wait, what did I […]
How are you viewing your future?
How are you viewing your future? Are you hopeful? Hesitant?
There have been times in my life, particularly over the last four years where I no longer had a deep sense of meaning and even though I was going through the motions and continuing my success journey, I was confused about what in my future excited me and made me feel as though I was coming alive.
Say “Yes!” to Your Life!
Our culture is inundated with “just say no” campaigns, whether to drugs, over-committing our time or resources, or just playing it safe by limiting our exposure to the risks that life throws our way. Lock your doors, protect your pass codes, your heart, your health. Double down on your security and trust only those closest to you. And be leery even of them, as you never know who will betray you! Yikes! It is no wonder so many among us struggle with mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression!
Help! How Can I Have a Fitter & More Joy-filled Holiday Season?
Along comes the holidays and our schedules begin to fill with obligations, and let’s be real, increased stress. All this talk of the New Year’s Resolutions make you break out in a sweat? For the majority of us, this is definitely the case!
Bang out Your Book Launch: How to Get 50+ Reviews Out of the Gates
After much anxiety and oodles of pre-launch jitters, I made it to the finish line and launched my second book Claim Your Inner Badass on November 17th, 2019. As much as I felt like I was stumbling and fumbling through the launch process, what I was clear about was that I wanted lots of reviews and I wanted them quick in the first week.
Exploring How Men Express Loss and Grief
We all have a unique way to deal with loss and grief, just as we approach joy and happiness in different ways. How one may express emotion may be completely different than another. How we honor and respect these differences is important, especially as we delve into how men express such emotions. I believe it’s due that time this conversation reaches the forefront in our society.