Kate McKay

Boost your Brain and Productivity Power Today!

For years I wrote a monthly column in my hometown newspaper. I loved it! Every month I was able to pontificate about my latest fascination under the auspices that the title of my column Living Well meant that I could write about whatever suited my fancy on any given day.

When Quitting is Not an Option

Spring is around the bend and many of us set all kinds of resolve and fire to meet our fitness and wellness goals. It’s been a heck of a year! We feel both determined and ready…

You ARE what you eat! Self-respect begins at the lips!

Happy Almost Spring to you!  This has been one heck of a year and I don’t know about you, but I am ready to bust out and LIVE again. The last 12 months have taken a toll on many of us.  Springtime is a wonderful time to claim our health and wellness and savor the […]

Make 2021 Your Healthiest and Happiest Year Yet!

Soon, the craziest year will be behind us. 2020 was definitely one for the record books! And despite the fact that we are still living in the midst of much uncertainty, we can still claim our own happiness and set powerful intentions for the coming year. The newest studies show that our own experience of […]

5 Steps to Staying Fit and Healthy through the Holidays

So many of us have historically looked forward to the enjoyment and fun that the holidays bring: social gatherings, travel, shopping, and baking. However this year, our traditional celebrations have been dashed due to the Covid-19.

Feelings of isolation and fear have increased our overall sense of anxiety and depression, which has wreaked havoc on both our physical as well as our emotional health and wellness.

How to Release Weight During Stressful Times

It’s a summer like no other that we have ever experienced. At a time of great uncertainty in our world, self-care falls to the wayside for many of us. While some of us venture out of our homes, many of us are still living with restrictions in travel and not able to do activities we love due to the current pandemic.