Kate McKay

Every great success begins with us asking ourselves powerful questions. Here are three questions to ponder to help you set a powerful intention for the week ahead:

  1. What descriptive word will you choose to lead with this week? Curious? Successful? Loving? Joyful? Determined? Peaceful? Write this word down or put it on your phone as a reminder.

  2. How do you want to feel at the end of the week? Write out three words that will describe the feeling you will have on Friday night when thinking about your previous week.

  3. What tasks will you undergo in order to experience those descriptive words fully? Write them down. 🙂

Why is it so important to put our intentions to paper?

Because science-backed research shows that only 10% of our thoughts are conscious!

Crazy, right???

So that means that 90% of our thoughts and actions are unconscious! Yikes!

This is why my work as a Coach in the field of personal development work is helping my clients bring their unconscious thoughts, feelings, hopes, and dreams forward.

And that’s why journaling is so important.  Research has shown that journaling is instrumental in greater clarity, self-awareness, and goal achievement.

Want to start your practice? Grab my Gratitude Journal here.

Before you go… I wanted to circle back to tolerations real quick. Did you fill out your Tolerations worksheet?  🙂  If not, here is the link.

As a reminder, TOLERATIONS are anything in your life that’s getting in the way of you being truly successful, peaceful, fulfilled, and happy.

And that could be in ANY domain of your life: your physical space, emotional space, relationships, health and wellness, and your finances. I am curious to hear about your results and any AH-HA’s you may have.

Please book a call here if you want to know more about how to start your journaling practice and understand the Tolerations exercise more fully. 

I am here cheering you on! To your success!


High-Performance Coach

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