I sure do hope you are enjoying these weekly hellos and are gaining some real value from the info I am sharing.
One subject that comes up ALOT with my clients and friends is feeling overwhelmed by life’s demands and expectations. There is just so much pressure to have it ALL figured out and look good while you are doing it.
I mean, come on! We all have days where we feel like a hot mess and I am here to tell you as your own personal high-performance coach and cheering squad that it is TOTALLY OK to feel that way.
And why is that, pray tell me, Coach Kate…
Because overwhelm often means:
You are growing.
You are wanting more in life.
You have outgrown certain behaviors, even people that do not serve you anymore.
You are sick and tired of being sick and tired and are putting up the flag and shouting that something has to give.
Any of these statements sound like you?
Great. You are so on your way, Baby!
That is exactly why I am sharing with you this invaluable worksheet that will change your life because you are ready to release all the BS that no longer serves you.
The TOLERATIONS WORKSHEET is an invaluable tool that will help you get the clarity and the increase in energy you desire.
What are TOLERATIONS, Kate?
Tolerations: little (or big) things that you have been tolerating in life that eat away little pieces of your confidence, pleasure, happiness, and joy.
And guess who is responsible for all that? Yup, we are!
By zapping tolerations, you will immediately experience the following:
less stress
increased productivity
easier relationships
healthier boundaries
increased self-esteem and self-worth
inner glow and greater flow
Click here to get the Tolerations Checklist.
Please let me know your thoughts, what you discovered and how this work has changed your life. Your stories matter and I love to hear from you on your progress and Ah-ha’s.
You deserve all that you desire. I am grateful that you are allowing me to go along for the ride!
Until next time!
High-Performance Coach
Have you checked out my podcast yet? Here is the first episode from the third session of Survive to Thrive where I share my own personal story on how I went from a HOT MESS to a successful Entrepreneur and Best-Selling Author. Check it out here.