I am writing to you from Park City, Utah. It’s been a wonderful time settling in here for a few months, as I finish up some projects and will share them with you soon.
Many of my clients are feeling increased stress as a result of the pandemic. In addition, economic stress and social isolation are really taking a toll on so many of us. The saving grace for me has been living in a place where I can take advantage of my time out in nature. This time has been a lifesaver and I am super grateful for the gifts of Mother Nature.
(Speaking of being grateful, have you picked up my latest publication The Gratitude Journal? Click on the link here to grab your copy on Amazon. We have been getting some great feedback! Please let me know your thoughts on the journal, and if inspired, could I please ask you to write a review? Thank you!)
In order to stay centered during these times, I have also kept at my daily meditation and prayer practice and have spent countless hours on the phone with my amazing friends, sharing deep connection and laughter, despite the stress and chaos that surrounds us. Friends really are priceless!
Because so many are feeling overwhelmed, I thought I would share with you some suggestions that I offer my clients so that they can experience more peace in their lives.
Breathe. Yep, just breathe. Not just breathe in, but breath out too. So many of us spend our days holding our breath, without even realizing it. Check-in right now. Are you breathing fully in and out? The chaos of our current situation has resulted in many of us forget how to breathe! How crazy is that??
Try this: As you breathe in, think of calming words like peace, flow, allow or trust. And as you breathe out, repeat a word like release, let go, all is well, yes, or any other mantra that allows you to stop the mental madness and be present in the “now” moment.
Even just one good belly breath can actually change your whole mental zip code. Try it.
2. Repeat after me: “This too shall pass.” It’s true. In our moments of complete chaos, it’s important to remember that you had peace before this moment, and peace and joy will surely return again. Oftentimes things just need to unravel in order to reveal who we are truly meant to be. Trust in the process. You are going to be OK. Really. We all will be.
3. Allow. Allow the feeling of overwhelm to come to the surface. Then, as you deep belly breathe, name the other emotions that hide underneath and around the feeling of overwhelm, like fear, sorrow, grief, terror, even relief and happiness. By naming these other emotions and seeing them for what they are, we can set ourselves free from their grip. Go ahead: Name them and set yourself free. It’s due time.
4. Write it down. Make a list, however haphazard, of everything. I mean EVERYTHING you have in your head whether it is a to-do, to-don’ts, and everything else in between.
Now looking at the list, separate it into themes, areas of your life, a timeline, or whatever way resonates with you, as you review the list. Trust your gut here. Everyone’s process is different. Honor yours.
The first time I did this, I was able to pull out actually six big items that were more projects than something I could just check off and say “Done.” No wonder I was in overwhelm!
So what I did was create a separate page for each of the bigger projects and wrote down all the to-do’s for each one. Can you say a huge sense of relief?
During the last few months, I have noticed that creating these lists has given me a sense of control of my life when I really was craving a sense of order and peace.
Please try it and let me know your thoughts.
5. Hire a coach – and if your budget doesn’t currently allow it, grab yourself an accountability partner who will help you stay out of overwhelm and keep you in action.
Having a coach over the last 12 years has allowed me to attain a level of success and fulfillment that I could only have dreamed of before. I learned how to define and communicate my needs, and be laser clear on my values. By becoming clear on how I wanted to live my life daily, I have been able to not only stay focused on living my life intentionally, but also being able to help others do the same.
If you would like to learn more about what it would be like to have a coach in your corner, please book a free Breakthrough Call with me.
Click on the link here: https://bit.ly/CallwithKate
I look forward to speaking to you to help you come up with some strategies to reduce your feelings of overwhelm and create a personalized action plan to help you move forward with greater confidence.
Sending love and blessings to all from Utah. I look forward to reaching out to you again real soon.